Who is Jesus poems

Who is jesus poems

Who is Jesus? A question that has been asked for centuries, by believers and non-believers alike. Through the beauty of poetry, we can explore and discover who Jesus is and what he means to us. Join us on this journey through five different poems.

Poem 1: The Shepherd

In the fields of life we roam,
Searching for a place called home,
We wander through the dark and light,
Looking for a guiding light.

But then we hear a gentle voice,
A voice that makes our hearts rejoice,
It calls us by our name and leads,
Us to green pastures and still meads.

Our Shepherd walks beside us there,
He listens to our every prayer,
He carries us when we are weak,
And gives us peace when we can’t speak.

Poem 2: The Savior

In the stillness of the night,
I hear a voice so pure and bright,
It speaks of love and sacrifice,
Of a Savior who paid the ultimate price.

He came to earth to set us free,
To give us hope and eternity,
He died upon a rugged tree,
To save us from our agony.

He rose again on the third day,
To conquer death and pave the way,
For us to live with him in glory,
To share in his eternal story.

So let us bow before our King,
And let our voices sweetly sing,
Of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
Who loves us with an endless favor.

Poem 2: The Shepherd

In the fields of life we roam,
Searching for a place called home,
We wander through the dark and light,
Looking for a guiding light.

But then we hear a gentle voice,
A voice that makes our hearts rejoice,
It calls us by our name and leads,
Us to green pastures and still meads.

Our Shepherd walks beside us there,
He listens to our every prayer,
He carries us when we are weak,
And gives us peace when we can’t speak.

Poem 3: The Friend

Jesus is more than just a name,
He’s a friend who knows our pain,
He walks with us through every trial,
And fills our hearts with a joyful smile.

He listens when we need to talk,
And holds us close when we can’t walk,
He shares our laughter and our tears,
And helps us conquer all our fears.

Poem 4: The Light

In the darkness of the night,
When all seems lost and out of sight,
There shines a light so pure and bright,
A light that fills our hearts with might.

Poem 5: The Way

Jesus is the way, the truth, the life,
He leads us through the storm and strife,
He shows us how to love and live,
And teaches us how to always give.

Notes on who is Jesus poems

These poems are just a glimpse into the beauty and power of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a believer or not, we hope that these poems have touched your heart and sparked your curiosity. Keep exploring and discovering who Jesus is, and let his love fill your life.

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